

Cain's heresy refers to Genesis 4 in which Cain murders his brother Abel
Juggernaut from the Hindi, meaning 'lord of the world', an idol of which was dragged on an enormous car under which devotees would throw themselves to be crushed gave a view halloa (hunting term) gave a cry to urge the hounds, when the fox was sighted

harpies (Greek mythology) half-woman and half-bird creatures which attacked humans
the very pink of the proprieties upright to the highest degree

Queer Street an imaginary street where people in trouble, financial or otherwise, are supposed to live
duality the quality of being two things or split into two parts; the idea that we have two sides to our natures

multiple perspective narrative a story told from the point of view of more than one narrator
narrator the person who tells a story

novella a prose text which is longer than a short story but shorter than a standard novel


volume of some dry divinity a dull book about religion
holograph a document written entirely in the handwriting of the person whose signature it carries
M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Laws, Fellow of the Royal Society
Damon and Pythias (Greek mythology) two inseparable friends. When Pythias was sentenced to death by Dionysius, Damon offered to take his place. Neither wanted to live if it meant that the other perished
troglodytic primitive, cave dwelling
Dr Fell an unpleasant person who causes feelings of dislike which are difficult to give any obvious reason for
statute of limitations a law protecting a person from prosecution after a period of time has elapsed
pede claudo walking hesitantly
hide-bound pedant narrow minded and conventional in thinking

animalistic resembling an animal
labyrinthine complex; maze-like
nocturnal relating to the night
conflagration fire
gin palace public house for the consumption of alcoholic beverages
penny numbers goods which could be bought for a penny
slatternly slovenly, wretched
blackguardly evil looking
cupola a domed roof sometimes containing windows
cabinet private study
glass presses glass fronted cupboards
cheval-glass a mirror, set in a frame which can be tilted
carbuncles red precious stones
ken knowledge
allusion to mention of
amities friendships
predecease to die before
mortify control, subdue
irony the discrepancy between what a character could be expected to do and what they actually do, often for comic effect
whipping up the circulation exercising to make the blood course through the vein
Personification A type of metaphor where human qualities are given to objects or ideas
unseemly unsuitable
lamentation weeping
knife-boy the boy who cleaned the table knives
book-learned formally educated
malefactor wrong doer
symbolism using something to represent a concept, idea or theme in a novel
registration by registered post
farrago a muddled, confused mixture
volatile ether a chemical used as an anaesthetic
portico an elegant doorway with columns
debility weakness
accoutrement clothing
metamorphoses changes
transcendental medicine medicine to take human beings beyond the realms of normal experience
moral turpitude depraved, wicked
alter ego an alternative personality
chronological order the presentation of events in a story in the order in which they actually occurred
confessional form a type of writing in which the characters reveal their innermost thoughts, motivations and actions, so mysteries or secrets are finally revealed
captives of Philippi an earthquake at Philippi burst open the doors of the prison where Paul and Silas were held captive, releasing them
Babylonian finger on the wall writing on the wall appearing to Daniel prophesying the end of King Belshazzar
reindue put on again